All Things NOW
Last night I was sitting in a rocking chair holding my brand spanking new granddaughter, Lea. Oh sure, I should have been at home working on my next article which is due reallll soon…. but I chose to be there, with Lea. I memorized every inch of her face, including the adorable double chin she’s grown. Now we REALLY look alike. I played with her tiny little fingers, rubbed her tummy, and kissed the back of her neck. I was definitely in the moment. Would I have missed that just to write an article to gross the 300 bucks? (What? You don’t get paid that much?) Never! Would I do it all over again and run the risk of staying up late tonight to finish my masterpiece? Youbetcha! In a New York minute, and honey, that’s fast.
Besides, what’s to say you can’t do it all? I loved all over my grandbeauty, ate supper with my son and his adorable wife, and came home and finished my article. And I thanked God for my life…
Let me ask you something. Did you stop and trace the view in the sky yesterday evening as God painted it with the sunset? Did you actually smell your delicious coffee this morning? Did you notice the cuteness of your hubby’s tossed hair and sleepy eyes as he stumbled to the breakfast table? Did you?
Love is a talent just like anything else. It needs to be cultivated, brought to life, and used up. My favorite writer in the world said it better than I ever could when she said:
… "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say: 'I used everything You gave me.'" -- Erma Bombeck...
Peace—da Queen