All Things Sick
Ahhhhhh chew!
Good answer.
I recently traveled to several cities across the beautiful State of Virginia. What an awesome State! I'd had sinus problems before I ever left home, but I noticed as we traveled nortwest, the problems seem to escalate. Instead of talking in a normal whiney voice, I began talking in a stopped up, "need a mitten for my nose" whiney tone and sneezing in between every other word.
Hello? What's this?
THIS turned out to be fever, sneezing, aching, coughing, and get no rest problem. Justttttt great.
Here I am on a book tour and saying to people, "tank oou... I so ahh ahh ahhh chew! appreciate you topping bah ma taabul." They would stare, back away, and make signs of crosses with their fingers. Funny... reallllll funny.
This has been going on for over a week now. I want my life back. Bad as it was, it was free of germs. Trixie gives me a wide birth, and the mailman won't stop. I can't go see my grandbeauty and I CAN'T DO WAL-MART FOR PETE'S SAKE!
I think I need an Exorcist... "COLD BE GONE!" Ahhhh chew! Great... oh yeah, that works. Did my head just spin around? Hmm...
At least I can type like a normal person. Okay, so I was never normal... sue me.
It's hard being me.